The secret of happiness
Happiness is in us... We don't need anything to be happy... We just need to free ourselves from the immediate, to understand that harmony is the natural state of being... To reconnect to the rhythm of the planet that... Are you pissed off yet? That would be natural.
The Secret of Happiness is a show centered on the actors and the story they build together. A topical story about how we live our loves and relationships, clever and savoury, with twists and turns and generous laughs." The actors Vlad Zamfirescu, Irina Velcescu and Dan Bordeianu say it themselves.
"The show is full of good, humorous lines, so you'll laugh a lot. The playwright tricks you into a frothy comedy and then executes you gracefully. Because the joke veers sharply into drama and then tragedy. And, as befits skillful writers, Alex Popa has given you plenty of clues to understand what's really going on.
Even with wearying insistence, looking back. Only you were having so much fun that it didn't even occur to you to take them into account," warns Vlad Zamfirescu, the play's director.
Show information
19 May 2024, 7pm
by Alexandru Popa
Directed by: Vlad Zamfirescu
Cast: Vlad Zamfirescu, Irina Velcescu, Dan Bordeianu
The show is not recommended for people under 14 years old